Saturday, 29 January 2011

The Sims 3: Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries)

My computer lately wasn't working good, first exchange was frozen, then I couldn't upload my creations because something wasn't working between my launcher and exchange. Few days I manage to upload my sims and I started new project. 
I tried to make someone real. I choose character from tv series 

The Vampire Diaries 
Damon Salvatore

aka Ian Somerhalder
 Unfortunately I lost him twice because of my pc power supply. It was turning off my computer so I was loosing my progress, Now I have new power supply and its fine :D

So here is the effect of my hard work. I hope you will like him and give some recs too Smile 

Custom content: I used eye lenses, blush and lipstick without it he wouldn't have this special face look. Clothes are from EA. 
Eye lenses and blush are from Lemonleaf, lipstick mabye too but I am not sure, all will come with the sim if you download him

I didn't made him as a vampire because I thought not everyone have Late Night expansion pack and the other thing - I didn't like his glowing eyes :P

also on The Sims Resource

Clothes all EA clothes, no custom content

He need to wear ring when walking in day light

some met victim

 lol ;)



  1. *drools* he is one of the hottest men out there and you mde him into a hot, hot sim! Great job!

  2. Thank you for making him :) He's a perfect hot sim for those who doesn't watch the serie too! :) Waiting for the others :D

  3. Thank you Ellide I know he is hot :P

  4. Flowarin I am trying to make Stefan now but it is harder then with Damon. Something is all the time missing in his face but I am not giving up :P Thank you for the comment :D

  5. I think hes sooo cool he looks just like him xoxo
