Friday, 13 September 2013

New challanges

Hi simmers 

I can't believe I didn't visit my blog for such a long time. I was busy with life and my family. I am trying to catch up with simming world and I can see lot of has changed. New expansion packs and stuff packs.
The sims 4 coming up next year. Wow! :)
Anyway I have small request to ask. I am coming back to sims and I need your help. If you heard about any new interesting challenges that weren't mentioned in this blog before please let me know in the comments. Give me names or links to the websites. I will post them here too to my challenges collection and of course I will give full credits to creators of the challenges. Thank you 

I wonder if anybody still reads and use my blog ;)


  1. Hi Sana, I come by every now and then to see if you added anything new. Welcome Back!

    1. hi Rochele :)) thanks for your comment, and yeah I am back. Did you heard or read about some new challenges with the latest expansion packs?

    2. I am eagerly waiting for Midnight Hollow. It will have LOTS of new items for babies and toddlers. Lots of toys. I like playing babies in Sims.

    3. Me too :D I need to check that Midnight Hollow :)) Thanks Rochele :)

  2. Hi Sana, yes there has been a lot going on and yes there is a ton of real life on my end as well, that's why my updates haven't been as frequent. There is a challenge called the Wishacy challenge (which is a spin on the Legacy but only based on your Sim's wishes). I'd try this myself but I'm barely playing now as it is, rofl.

    1. Hi venusdemilo (nice nick btw) I am running to check this challenge. I am sure everyone are now excited more about the sims 4. I can see less and less people are playing with The sims 3 edition. I have my ups and downs with my simmies but it is still game nr 1 that I have. Thanks again

  3. I still read your blog! I love this blog so much! :) :) :)

  4. Love your blog, don't worry ;) your still famous.

  5. You should create a challenge called The Crazy Cat Lady. Figure out certain rules, but I have some to start.
    - Must have traits Insane, Mooch, Green Thumb, Kleptomaniac, and Cat Person
    - Must be a woman at Adult stage (not young adult)
    - Have to have two cats to start with (male and female)
    - The woman may not have electronics except for a phone
    - No job or money cheats as the woman must devote her time to the cats
    - She may have an easel to paint
    - She may get married, but no children
    - The cats are supposed to breed so they have 6 kittens
    - When a cat dies, get a cat to breed to replace it

    1. Thanks for the idea. I saw one already Crazy cat lady challange on mod the sims. You can look at it :)

    2. ah sorry this was for the sims 2 :P my mistake

  6. What will be tne next inovation of apple in
    Happy new year 2018
